關於歐陸法系和英美法系的區別,下列敘述何者錯誤? 法學大意(107-110) A 屬於歐陸法系的國家不以歐洲國家為限 B 歐陸法系國家之判決對後案沒有法律拘束力,但有事實上拘束力 C 歐陸法系法官審判時的主要法源是成文法 D 英美法系為案例法國家,因此沒有成文法 2021/10/15 15:40:01 1 留言 693 瀏覽
__2__? It is vital that parents recognize the strong influence they __1__ on their children’s educational decisions and career paths. The most significant factors appear __2__ the size of the family, parenting style, and the attitudes parents have about work in general. __3__ is essential for parents to recognize that the long, ever-changing process of career choice begins when children are still young. Educators __4__ parents who are not aware of the importance of their __5__ , positive or negative, influence on their children. 公民與英文 A be B been C being D to be 2021/05/13 09:58:48 1 留言 55 瀏覽
有關美國零基預算制度的敘述,下列何者錯誤? 行政學大意 A 1970年代德州儀器公司開始試行 B 1997年卡特總統上台,聯邦政府零基預算之實施宣告終止 C 每一年度的預算審核都要從零開始重新評估 D 決策制訂由上而下和由下而上的決策制訂同時開始 2022/01/05 12:29:15 1 留言 75 瀏覽